1. Where can you find an Ocean Installer office? Helsinki, Aalborg, Toronto, Rio & Machu PichuStavanger, Oslo, Aberdeen, Dubai & HoustonGandal, Alta, Umeå, Moscow & HavannahEdinburgh, Jørpeland, Brussel, Abu Dabi & Washington DC
2. Which segment does Ocean Installer mainly work in? SubseaDrillingShipping
3. What’s the name of Ocean Installers social commitee? Ocean InterventionOcean CommunitySocial InstallerOI Social
4. Which part of the installation of Hywind Tampen was Ocean Installer involved in? Inter-Array Cable InstallationMooring Pre-Installation & Hook-upTurbine Tow OutMooring System Design
5. What kind of work do we refer to when talking about SURF scopes? All operations involving a Surfer (type of vessel)Spool, Umbilical & Riser FabricationSubsea Umbilicals, Risers & Flowlines
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