Ocean Installer reaches 1000 vessel days


Jan 29, 2014


Ocean Installer

29th of January 2014

Less than two years after Ocean Installer’s first vessel went into offshore operations, Ocean Installer can mark 1000 vessel days completed. And that with an excellent HSEQ record.

In May 2012, Ocean Installer entered into offshore operations, with the company’s first long-term chartered vessel, Normand Clipper. On January 23rd, about 20 months later, Ocean Installer could mark a significant operational milestone, as the company reached 1000 executed vessel days, including Ocean Installer operated and subcontracted vessels.

Following 96 % utilisation for Normand Clipper during 2012, Ocean Installer’s second long-term chartered vessel, Normand Mermaid, has seen 100 % utilisation from the commencing of the charter in March 2013 till today.

– With 1000 executed vessel days, Ocean Installer has established a solid offshore track record in less than 2 years. Moreover, I am very satisfied with the HSEQ record we have obtained over this period, having reached our goal of 0 LTI (Lost Time Injury), says Steinar Riise, CEO of Ocean Installer.

Ocean Installer has executed offshore operations on the NCS and the UKCS and has recently also introduced a vessel in the Gulf of Mexico for the North Sea winter season. The company has at present two construction support vessels (CSV) operational on long-term charters: Normand Clipper and Normand Mermaid. A third CSV, in which Ocean Installer has ownership, is under construction and is to be delivered in Q2 2014.


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About Ocean Installer
Ocean Installer is a subsea company headquartered in Stavanger, Norway and with offices in Aberdeen and Houston. Ocean Installer holds strong EPCI expertise within the SURF (Subsea, Umbilicals, Risers, Flowlines) segment and is rapidly expanding its operations and organisation within and beyond the North Sea basin.

Ocean Installer provides its clients with recognised first-rate assets and has secured long-term charters on two construction support vessels (CSV): Normand Clipper and Normand Mermaid. A third CSV, in which Ocean Installer has ownership, is under construction and is to be delivered in Q2 2014. Ocean Installer will continuously invest and develop its assets to fulfill its ambition to be a key service provider within the SURF segment.

Ocean Installer is majority-owned by HitecVision, a leading investor in the oil and gas industry.

Ocean Installer holds FPAL- and Achilles certifications, with systems established in accordance with the requirements set out in ISO 9001, 14001, 18001 and 31 000 standards.

For further information, please visit: www.oceaninstaller.com

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