Renewed strategy and appointment of new CEO


Aug 17, 2022


Ocean Installer

Over the 12 years since its establishment, Havfram has been through different challenging and successful development phases. In the last phase, starting in 2020, the Company successfully entered the industrial energy transition by establishing offshore wind units within both Installation and Development, in addition to the existing subsea installation business. This phase has been successful by establishing the Company in a tendering process and developing industrial cooperations with global players like RWE and Saipem.
The Company has in parallel delivered, operationally and financially, strong results within the subsea installation part. The success has also been proven by the recent important win of the Vår Energi Alliance Agreement.

To further develop and grow the businesses segments successfully, Havfram will strategically be even more financially focused. Partly through strengthening the balance sheet by attracting new investment capital and in addition building the three subsidiaries into stronger stand-alone entities. The system value will be maintained for the individual entities, partly by demerger of activities, distribution of resources and by mirroring processes, systems and certifications.

To further strengthen the financial focus and move the company’s transition forward, the Board has as of 16th of August 2022 appointed Ingrid Due-Gundersen as new CEO of Havfram. Ingrid has been CFO in Havfram since spring of 2020 and came to Havfram with vast strategic and financial experience from the capital-intensive shipping industry. Ingrid will lead the Company with increased focus on building the required trust in the investor market.

Prior to joining Havfram she has worked for the Leif Höegh & Co group for her whole career. Ingrid joined Höegh Fleet Services in 2002 as a summer intern and worked within the group in various positions ever since she was employed in the Business Intelligence department in HUAL (Höegh-Ugland Autoliners) in 2004. In 2008 she took the position as Head of Treasury, being responsible for the Company’s cash management. From 2012 to 2017, she served as Head of Finance before she took over as Chief Financial Officer in December 2017.

Ingrid Due-Gundersen holds a Maitrise en Economie Internationale, Monnaie et Finance (Master of Science in Economics) from Université des Sciences Sociales à Toulouse in France.

Kevin Murphy will remain head of the subsea installation division, while Even Larsen and Emilie Reeve will continue to develop the offshore wind divisions into stronger and more independent businesses.

The intent is that Odd Strømsnes, former CEO, will continue the industrial cooperation with Havfram’s owner, HitecVision.

Chair of the Board, Arne Sigve Nylund stated the following:

“Through these strategic and organisational changes, Havfram is ready to grasp the opportunities we see in the next development phase for the Company under Ingrid’s leadership. I will also take the opportunity to thank Odd for the solid leadership in completing the transition phase starting in 2020, which has significantly increased the value of Havfram.”

Arne Sigve Nylund

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